
Because every serious writer needs a book coach. I’ll explain…
Writing a novel and finding an agent is hard. Like, really hard. It’s a huge undertaking with a lot of steps, each one crucial.
All in all, a book coach will make you a better writer, because you’ll get direct and intense feedback on YOUR story and YOUR words, and you’ll hear WHY something isn’t working and how to avoid making the same mistake in the future.
Why should I hire a coach?
Having a book coach means you get…
an expert who is as devoted and invested in finishing/fixing/revising your manuscript as you are.
a mentor whose industry knowledge and personal experience as an author (who has been there and done that) is readily available and at your disposal.
a professional editorial brain looking at your manuscript as you revise, which prevents you from writing yourself 20,000 words into a hole.
the truth about whether or not what you’ve written is of agent-ready quality, and if it’s not.
a roadmap for exactly what’s wrong/missing/great and how to go about fixing it.
accountability with your writing goals, which results in measurable and often massive forward progress if you’re willing to put in the work.
a personal project manager who takes the stress out of “what do I do next?” because they’ve figured it all out for you.
All this results in a finished manuscript that will be tighter and need less revision, which saves you time.
Why should I choose you to be my book coach?
Writing and story are my life. I’m an agented fiction author currently working on my debut novel. I am thrilled to have been certified as a fiction book coach through Author Accelerator, a program I adore and recommend 1,000%. I have two traditionally published non-fiction self-help books (under a different name), an English Lit degree from UCLA, and I read so voraciously it scares my friends. All told, I have 15+ years of experience in writing and editing of all kinds.
I’m at once kind and brutally honest, enthusiastic and encouraging, and I promise to tell you the truth about your work.
I also specialize in coaching Mystery/Thriller/Suspense (MTS), and absolutely adore coaching writers wanting to make their stories more twisty, with more red herrings and unexpected turns, and who need help with suspense and pacing. I love mystery, thriller, and suspense novels of all stripes (the scarier the better!), and know the conventions (very) well. I have a tried and tested method for mapping out and inserting the satisfying twists and reveals thrillers are known for, and find great joy in working closely with my clients to put together that puzzle and lead the reader where we want them to go.
Do you make any guarantees?
I do not. Publishing is a super subjective business, and I can’t guarantee that working with me will land you a book deal or an agent.
What I can promise is that I will tell you the truth about your writing and your story, I will push you to meet your writing goals, and I will help you make your story the best story it can be.

Do you have a code of ethics and/or a mission statement you follow?
I sure do!
As a book coach, I value honesty, integrity, clarity in communication, and promptness. I will always explain the “why” behind what I recommend. I dislike unfocused feedback, I have a tough-love attitude, I believe in kindness, I have a ton of empathy for being a writer (because I am one), and I enthusiastically and proactively seek the joy in the writing experience.
You can trust that I will tell you the truth about your writing, even when that truth is hard. This is because I believe 1,000% that writers need an honest mirror, and the most valuable thing I can offer as a book coach is to tell you both when something is not working, and when something is.
What genres do you coach?
I work with fiction writers in all stages of writing. Although I focus my practice on adult fiction, and specifically on thriller/suspense/mystery/horror (in both the planning stages and revision), I work with many fiction genres.
In particular:
gothic horror and haunted house stories
serial killer story
psychological thrillers and domestic suspense stories
romantic suspense, romcoms, and beach reads, especially those with HEA endings and some good steamy scenes
YA, especially LGTBQ rom-com YA
mystery, especially with a fun, quirky protagonist
I’m not the best coach for Christian/inspirational fiction or literary fiction. If you don’t believe that Black Lives Matter, that love is love, that science is real, and that women’s rights and trans rights are human rights, then I’m not the right coach for you.
I also know lots of other coaches, so if your project isn’t a good fit for me, I’ll tell you and do my best to get you to someone who can help!
I’m nervous that you, as a thriller author, will try to turn my novel into a thriller.
I see why this would be a concern, but I can assure you I don't work like that. :-) I've coached historical fiction, romantic suspense, cozy mysteries, book club/upmarket/women’s fiction, fantasy, and yes, thrillers, and none of them were remotely like my own books.
I separate out my own writing from the goals of my clients for their own work. The reason I became a coach is to help writers get their manuscript in query-ready shape, and help them avoid the mistakes I made when I was querying (i.e. querying before ready, making sure the emotional journey is on the page, making sure the suspense is there so the reader keeps turning the page.) What I love the most is helping a writer see their story get on the page the way they envisioned it (no small feat!), with the emphasis on *their* story!
I am a proud member of the Women's Fiction Writers Association (WFWA), Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and International Thriller Writers, and I am an avid reader of pretty much everything. I advertise that I coach thrillers on my website because that's the genre in which I'm agented, so I have some easy bonafides there, but I absolutely adore coaching a number of other genres as well.
In my own writing, although classified as a thriller and Scary Stuff happens, I always have strong female protagonists who have relatable emotional arcs (which is why I'm a member of WFWA.)
Here’s what I believe about every fiction manuscript I coach, and what I will coach you to include, regardless of genre:
A good book is one where we care about the characters and can relate to / connect with their emotional journeys, regardless of what's happening to them in the plot.
Suspense should be present. Suspense is what keeps the plot moving and the pages turning. For example: What's going to happen? How is our protagonist going to react if this happens? What is she going to do next? Why is he doing THAT?
Still not convinced? Ask me anything. The check-out call I do with all potential clients is no obligation on either side. It's a 25-minute zoom call meant for us to get to know each other a little better, for you to ask your questions, for me to hear more about your project and your goals for this manuscript, and for us to decide how we might work together. Nothing is concrete until you sign a quote/contract, and is completely up to you.

Everything we discuss during coaching stays between us.
When you sign up to work with me, my contract states this, and we’ll both sign it.
What about confidentiality?
I’m nervous about you stealing my ideas, and that my words won’t be my anymore.
Your words are your words, not mine. Although I will offer suggestions on how to improve the flow of your character arc and your plot, I am not in the business of ghostwriting. If you work with me, we also both sign a contract that states that your work is explicitly yours and I have no claim on it whatsoever.
Further to this, if you were to look at ten people all with the exact same idea and told them to write a novel based on that idea, you’d end up with ten wildly different books. Everyone comes at their story with their own unique filters, background, and flair, and that’s what makes fiction so wonderful.
I have a project and I’m interested! What happens after I contact you?
I’m thrilled to hear it! To get started, you’ll fill out my contact form. I’ll get back to you within a day or so to ask you a few more questions about your project and send you a link to set up a time to chat for 25 minutes. During that chat we’ll figure out if we’re a good fit for each other as writer/coach, as well as discuss your project goals.
If we mutually agree to move forward, I will generate a quote for you to approve and sign. From there, you’ll sign a contract, pay your invoice (via credit card in USD), and then we get going! No money is due until you approve and sign a quote and contract.
Ready to Get Started?
If you’re interested in working with me to get out of revision hell or have further questions simply get started by clicking the button below.